Who to write an essay
Research Paper Topics For Project Management
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Art History French Revolution Analysis Essay
An unmistakable distinction among An and B, is that A shows that Napoleon from an alternate perspective, as a force hungry and power crazed man and the expression â€Å"..absolute power debases absolutely..†applies consummately in this composition. His canvases have advanced from the motivation behind promulgation for the upset and advancing his picture as a persevering and devoted man to advancing his influence, riches and not exactly unobtrusive military procedure in this artistic creation, and it likewise demonstrates a somewhat discrete connection to the artworks that the Bourbon Kings may have dispatched to have been painted for them. Painting B was painted in 1804, preceding Napoleon got defiled with the influence and riches that accompanies his position and deciphers his character as a persevering man, with balance to other people. Painting A was made in 1806 two years in the wake of painting B, and it affirms the consequences of his defilement and changed character and point of view. B shows Napoleon with the traits recently expressed, a persevering and devoted man. This composition shows that he is persevering by painting him in his examination, subsequently maybe recommending that he had a better than average and instructive childhood. Another perspective in this canvas shows that he is persevering is that his correct hand is on a pile of papers on the Napoleonic Code that he maybe simply got done with composing, demonstrating that he is not quite the same as the Bourbon Kings, who couldn't and would not do any organizations. B shows that Napoleon is devoted due to numerous reasons. One, being that his apparel shading is one of the energetic shades of France (red, white and blue are the devoted shades of France). Two, being that out of sight there is a window sitting above Paris, the remade Notre Dame specifically suggesting that he is with the individuals and for the individuals and of the individuals. Three, being that his blade hung next to his hip to show that he is constantly arranged to protect his nation against any hazards. Painting A’s style is altogether different style from painting B. Painting B is fairly humble and utilizing rich hues, yet has less sumptuous surface than painting A gives, while painting An utilizations significantly increasingly radiant and rich hues and the surface of his dress and frill are much more luxurious than painting B. we can see a distinction in Napoleons face too, in this artwork, his face appears as though it has been built up with white powder, much like the Royals used to do, and his face is additionally considerably more demeanor not as much as painting B. B in any event gives some degree, albeit very little, of feeling. His face depicts a fairly genuine feeling. The edge of which we see the Napoleon has likewise changed definitely and negates one of the Napoleonic Codes that he himself made. In B we are taking a gander at Napoleon on an equivalent level, demonstrating that despite the fact that our statuses may not be the equivalent, we are as yet equivalent, one of the most significant things that the upset strived to accomplish, Egalite (uniformity). Nonetheless, in Painting A we are looking at Napoleon who is sitting above us, on a seat with a scope of regal and stunning things. The adjustment in position unmistakably demonstrated the indication of his defilement and the invalidation of one of the codes that he made for the individuals which was that all individuals will be dealt with similarly. In this composition we look above to see him, as though he is of a higher class than the individuals of Paris, above them. His attire contrast is extremely critical too. His attire in painting B is unobtrusive, and completely working class while likewise speaking to his help in the Revolution by wearing a Revolution shading (red). The surface of the texture is by all accounts rather brutally portrayed in the work of art, which maybe was intended to show that he didn't go through a pointless measure of cash purchasing an over-unreasonable measure of apparel and different extravagances like the Royals and the high society. The texture of his attire is painted in a substantially more overgenerous way in painting A than painting B. David paints his texture with crooked lines and rich hues. The apparel that he wears in this artistic creation shows his defilement, that he has spent the pointless and inordinate measure of cash for such extravagances. Another indication of his defilement appeared in his outfit is the crown that he wears on his head. Crown, representing traditionalism. Crown, representing that he likes himself the King Of France, after all the codes that he has made to distil the people groups fears of a despot, a tyrant was still what they have gotten. He may not clearly be displaying that he is in reality directing, however he is as yet directing in a progressively ill defined manner. He utilizes cunning controls of contemplations and conclusions about him by a shrewd utilization of showcasing systems, which improves his picture and persona and above all his standard.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, Essay - 2
Assess a huge encounter, accomplishment, chance you have taken, or moral problem you have confronted and its effect on you. (250words least) - Essay Example In any case, for me, something different was arranged by predetermination. For me, this day is the most vital yet excruciating day of my whole life. On that day, I had a ball game toward the evening. The climate was weird. It was a brilliant radiant day yet unnecessarily breezy. I didn't know of getting a fly ball well in this peculiar climatic condition. During warm-ups, baseball trainer gave me a fly ball and I felt that I would ready to get that ball with my gloves. Yet, before I understand what had occurred with me, I found that I was draining persistently. At that point I understood that four of my bleeding teeth were in my grasp. I could likewise feel that couple of teeth were hanging by my supports inside the mouth. I could hardly imagine how this mishap really has transpired. Unexpectedly, numerous contemplations came in my psyche including tomorrow’s SAT test, finals, graduation, family, companions, agony, teeth, and numerous different things. Indeed, I really felt th at everything was finished, and I cried uproariously. I was not prepared to acknowledge reality. I didn't comprehend why I must be rebuffed so seriously. As I moved into preparing focus, everybody was gazing with the feeling of compassion. I was crying like a little child before my companions who were empowering me. I was startled when I understood that my folks were remaining thousands miles from my place. My counselor and baseball trainer took me to the emergency clinic. We were unable to locate an oral specialist anyplace in New Hampshire and the specialist in Plymouth dedication emergency clinic attempted to make calls for a considerable length of time. I was seeping for just about 11 hours until I met an oral specialist in Mass General emergency clinic in Boston. I was depleted, yet was glad to get worked. At the point when I came back to class, I comprehended that eating food would be an issue. The days were hopeless. I generally had fever and torment. I couldn't rest soundly and was a long ways behind of homework. Furthermore, I needed to go to crisis
Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Condition - Essay Example A proceeding with increment of ozone depleting substance radiates from the consuming of the non-renewable energy sources starting from the earliest stage. Consuming of coal isn't coherent enough since it expands the measure of the carbon dioxide to the earth. As per United Nations ecological investigation, carbon dioxide emanations to the environment can stop by covering the biomass and pickling of trees. The addition of worldwide temperatures prompts expanded softening of snow ice and the ascending of the ocean level obviously shows the warming of the globe. The warming is controlled by high normal temperature close the earth’s surface. The temperature increments because of exhaustion of the ozone layer legitimately hit by the bright beams (Haldar, 2010). Temperature rise resultes into numerous fiascos including the arrangement of typhoons, making mass decimation human life and property. The storms, tornados and the hurricanes are the most exceedingly terrible catastrophes ever and have asserted a few live of people. Retention and emanation of the infrared radiation by gases in the air warms the planets lower environment and the surface. This procedure implies the warming impact of about 33% of the stratosphere. The cutting of trees for vitality and other mechanical capacities builds the amount of carbon dioxide to the environment, along these lines, adding to a worldwide temperature alteration. It represents 7 percent of the ozone depleting substance emanation. Woods go about as the sink of the carbon dioxide inside the climate along these lines assuming an indispensable job in controlling the measure of warmth delivered to nature. They additionally help in the ingestion of the much water poured inland during the violent winds. Pressurized canned products delivered by volcanoes and contaminations from ventures causes worldwide darkening and the steady decrease of the measure of sunlight based arriving at the earth surface. Pressurized canned products bring a cooling impact by obstructing the immediate sun from arriving at the earth surface, thusly,
Friday, August 21, 2020
Romeo and Juliet Essay Example for Free
Romeo and Juliet Essay William Shakespeare, one of the most popular dramatists ever, was conceived in Stratford upon Avon in 1564 and passed on in 1616. He was one of eight offspring of John Shakespeare, a neighborhood town authority and glove producer, and Mary Arden. In 1982 Shakespeare wedded Anne Hathaway at just eighteen. They had three youngsters together, Susanna, and twin Judith and Hannet. Unfortunately Hannet shockingly kicked the bucket at eleven. Shakespeare was known for performing at the Globe theater with the Chamberlains Men. He composed 37 plays in the course of his life and one of his most popular plays was Romeo and Juliet. I am going to think about lines 1-100 of Act One, Scene One from the content of the two film adaptations; Franco Zeffirellis form and Baz Luhrmanns variant. The content opens with the preface, which gives a short layout of the story, it is 14 lines in length, and is in this way average of what is known as a work. It is around two families from Verona, both of comparable status; both abhor the other because of an old quarrel, the darlings, Romeo and Juliet both from every one of the families end their own lives for their affection. Their passing bodes well. Shakespeare has intentionally uncovered the completion in the preamble with the goal that the crowd may pass judgment on the characters and the occasions up to the last disaster. Act One Scene One starts in an open spot. It begins like a parody with word-play and quips from Gregory and Sampson, the two workers of the Capulet house. They brag about what they would do to the Montagues. One joke utilized is Well not convey coals. This implies well not represent any abuse. No, for then we ought to be colliers. This implies on the off potential for success that we do have for any put-down, at that point we will be coal dealers or coal excavators which were most likely viewed as grimy and destitute individuals in their day. Sampson utilizes discourteous language, to brag about what they would do to any Montagues Therefore I will push Montagues men from the divider, push his servants to the divider. Sampson believes that affection is simply an issue of ruthless victory of another body. This piece of the scene is pretentious and cheerful, until Abraham and a worker, both from the Montague house enter and the scene turns immediately compromising and strain increments. Sampson and Gregory abandon being proud to genuine, in a way this is amusing in light of the fact that when the they were kidding, they were not scared of saying about what they would do to the Montagues, yet now when they run over the Montagues they become uncertain with respect to whether to torment them or not, on the grounds that Gregory says How, turn thy back and run? Hes uncertain whether to incite the Montagues. In any case, Sampson isn't as apprehensive as Gregory, so he chooses to incite them by gnawing his thumb at Abraham and the hireling. Gnawing thumbs was viewed as an affront in that day. The two houses begin bantering at one another, both talking obligingly with an undermining feeling. Gregory says Do you Quarrel sir? Which is do you battle. The Capulets pine for a battle by exasperating the Montagues, yet the Montagues are not up for a battle. Now Benvolio enters and Gregory says Here comes one of my lord family. Be that as it may, he isn't alluding to Benvolio in light of the fact that he is a Montague. He is alluding to Tybalt who is drawing closer. So the Capulets start the battle themselves when Sampson says Draw on the off chance that you be men, Gregory recall thy washing blow. The word washing blow implies in this specific situation, a slicing blow, which is a blade move. They at that point battle however there is no depiction of what occurs. Benvolio who is against battling stops the battle, yet then Tybalt who is a Capulet enters and he offers Benvolio to battle . Turn thee Benvolio, view thy demise. Tybalt is a forceful character and when he enters he is ruining for a battle and he doesn't put stock in harmony, this is apparent when Benvolio says I do however keep the harmony. Benvolio attempts to reestablish the harmony since he is a peacemaker. Tybalt doesn't accept that Benvolio is attempting to stop the battle so he undermines Benvolio What, drawn and discuss harmony? I loathe the word . have at thee quitter. At that point Tybalt assaults Benvolio and an enormous fight follows, yet this time the residents and the official endeavor to separate the battle. The state of mind is currently clamorous. Old Capulet and Lady Capulet enter. Old Capulet needs to be engaged with the battle Give me my long blade, ho. Woman Capulet answers A prop, a brace! Which means a bolster may be better since he is too old to even think about fighting. At that point enters Old Montague and Lady Montague, he additionally needs to battle yet Lady Montague endeavors to stop him by controlling him. The two leaders of the families appear to be absurd and attempt to support their family by attempting to be engaged with the battle. At that point Prince Escalus enters with his train, these are his gatekeepers in our unique circumstance. He is accountable for Verona and he separates the battle between the two families. He is incensed with them both. He gives a long discourse to the two families. He looks at their conduct to monsters You men, you brutes, that extinguish the fire of your poisonous fury He additionally says that there have been three common fights between the two families in Veronas boulevards. He has had enough of it and the futile battling has upset the public activity of the city. Their discipline if this happens again would be paid with their lives. A considerable lot of the characters from the two families appear to act first and think later. For example a few characters hop into a battle without thinking about the results. The battle breaks out immediately between the two families which demonstrates the point that a portion of the characters demonstration first, think later. These initial 100 lines set up the crowd for the scurry and speed which has a major impact in the coming disaster of the passings of Romeo and Juliet and it gets ready for the battles that occur later on in the play. The Franco Zeffirelli film variant of the play is set in the fifteenth century in the town of Verona in Italy which is the perfect setting to the play. The main scene which I am going to consider is determined to a splendid radiant morning in the town advertise. The outfits worn are bona fide to the fifteenth century, these incorporate tight stockings known as Hose and close fitted coats known as doublets worn by the men. The two families likewise wear the uniform of their family. The Montagues attire is blue and dark and the Capulets uniform are red and orange. The film presents with a preface, much the same as the content. As the Prologue is being spoken, the film shows various perspectives on Verona. While this is being appeared, music valid to the time is cooperated with it. The introduction is right to the content however the last two lines are removed. After the preface, the film goes directly to Veronas advertise, the open spot. This market setting is true with its old sandstone structures and its clamoring market. Sampson, Gregory and another Capulet who is excluded from the content, are strolling through the market kidding and being a disturbance to a portion of the residents by kicking them for a joke. This depicts the Capulets as inconvenience producers. The state of mind is egotistic and carefree, which is devoted to the content. The film does exclude the discussion about Colliers and Montague house cleaners spoken between the Capulets. Be that as it may, it begins on line 25 when Gregory says The fight is between our lords and us their men. Sampson answers to this Tis each of the one. This is right to the content, however it misses all the lines a while later where Gregory says Here comes the place of the Montague. The Montagues comprise of three individuals here, Abraham and two different Montagues not named. They are demonstrated purchasing things from a market slow down, you see them expressing gratitude toward the slow down attendant and being pleasant to the residents, Zeffirelli depicts the Montagues as decent individuals despite the fact that there is no proof of this in the content. The chitchats between the two families are begun simply like the content. Sampson nibbles his thumb at the Montagues. This is otherwise called an affront in the film. The chitchats between them are right to the content. After Abraham says You Lie. The Montagues leave the Capulets in light of the fact that they dont need to begin any difficulty. This is proof to propose that the Montagues are decent individuals. Sampson fights back to this since he longs for a battle. He intentionally entangles the more seasoned individual from the three Montagues. This is excluded from the content. Sampsons reprisal drives Abraham mad and he proclaims the battle by saying Draw on the off chance that you be men. This is really said by Sampson in the content. At that point Sampson finishes the sentence from the content Gregory, recollect thy washing blow. The fight begins with the two sides charging at one another. The scene is presently in the boulevards of Verona close to the market. The residents help the Montagues separate the fight by seizing the Capulets. At that point Benvolio enters, he stops the battle and says his lines from the content, yet notwithstanding this he says The ruler explicitly restricts battling on Veronas boulevards. This isn't in the content. At that point Tybalt with much more of Capulets men enter, he chuckles in an undermining way and the mind-set abruptly gets compromising, he and Benvolio state their lines, which are right to the content. Benvolio is fainthearted towards Tybalts will to battle, and the fight starts once more. The temperament is disorderly and hot in light of the fact that it is determined to a brilliant and hot road. During the battle, Tybalt harms Benvolio and he says greetings thee home? Part. This implies youre a defeatist and you ought to return home, Tybalt says it in a pretentious way. The film shows the battle with loads of turmoil, hues, close ups, bunches of activity, airborne shots of battling, town individuals attempting to stop the battle, things flying through the air, unequivocal bits like individuals being slaughtered, there is no proof of this in the play, it is difficult to see what people's identity is, for example, who is Montague and who is Capulet. At a certain point during the battle, Zeffirelli shows us the two family units. He shows Old Capulet gathering his men and charging out into the disordered battle. There is no discussion between Old Capulet and Lady Capulet, in spite of
Monday, August 3, 2020
See What Book Rioters Are Reading on March 2, 2017
See What Book Rioters Are Reading on March 2, 2017 In this feature at Book Riot, we give you a glimpse of what we are reading this very moment. Here is what the Rioters are reading today (as in literally today). This is what’s on their bedside table (or the floor, work bag, desk, whatevskis). See a Rioter who is reading your favorite book? I’ve included the link that will take you to their author archives (meaning, that magical place that organizes what they’ve written for the site). Gird your loins â€" this list combined with all of those archived posts will make your TBR list EXPLODE. We’ve shown you ours, now show us yours; let us know what you’re reading (right this very moment) in the comment section below! Wallace Yovetich The Vanderbeekers of 141st Street by Karina Glaser: Have been so excited to read Karinas debut novel (sequel will come out 2018)! Just got my hands on it and have loved every minute. The five Vanderbeeker children are on a secret mission (secret from their parents) to come up with a way to get their landlord to renew their lease so they dont have to move out of their brownstone and away from their friends. Delightful so far! (galley, printer version October 2017) The Most of Nora Ephron: Because, you can never have too much Nora Ephron. Liberty Hardy The Free-Lance Pallbearers by Ishmael Reed: I was reminded of this slim, bizarre book while researching a post, and thought it was time for a re-read. (paperback) Hekla’s Children by James Brogden (March 7, Titan Books): I am on a horror kick lately, and this sounds like a scarier present-day Picnic at Hanging Rock sorta scenario. BRING IT. (e-galley) The Twelve-Mile Straight by Eleanor Henderson (Sept. 12, Ecco): I loved Ten Thousand Saints, and someone told me this is the best novel they’ve read in years, so I can’t pass up a recommendation like that! (galley) The Art of Death: Writing the Final Story by Edwidge Danticat: (July 11, Graywolf Press): Danticat examines the ways writers have dealt with writing about death in their work while discussing the death of her mother. I’m sure it will be brilliant, like everything she does. (galley) Jamie Canaves Wife of the Gods (Darko Dawson #1) by Kwei Quartey: I’ve been wanting to get into this series for a while and latelyeven more than usualI’ve been craving more mysteries set in countries I’ve never visited so I finally picked it up. (audiobook) Ragdoll (Detective William Fawkes #1) by Daniel Cole: Liberty says read a book, you read a book. (egalley) The Blue Girl by Laurie Foos: Ever since I saw that delicious cover I’ve been saving the book as a treat-read, which is turning out so far to have been an excellent decision as it’s wonderfully strange. I am however craving the fck out of whoopie pies and I won’t rest until I’ve eaten them. (paperback) Ugly Girls by Lindsay Hunter: Reading for a post and because I’ll read anything with “unlikable†women. (hardcover) Claire Handscombe The Animators by Kayla Rae Whitaker: my Book of the Month pick. I loved The Nest, and its author Cynthia d’Aprix Sweeney chose this one, so I figured I’d enjoy it. Plus, female friendship and creative dreams: I love reading about those. And, as Jamie Canaves says, when Liberty tells you to read a book, you read a book. (hardback) Casey Stepaniuk The Remedy: Queer and Trans Voices on Health and Health Care edited by Zena Sharman: This isn’t the kind of book I’d ordinarily read since I don’t really have a special interest in health issues, but The Remedy was sent to me for review on my queer Canadian book blog. I’m finding it surprisingly interesting! (Paperback) Gaudy Night by Dorothy L Sayers: I find this classic cozy mystery series so fun and comforting. A lot of them are available as audiobooks read by Ian Carmichael who does all the British accents and everything extremely well. I’ve read all of them up until number 6, but I couldn’t resist jumping ahead to this one (number 12) when I saw it was available on Overdrive last night. (Audiobook) Molly Wetta This Is Where You Belong: The Art and Science of Loving the Place You Live by Melody Warnick: Not only did I move from my beloved hometown of Lawrence, KS less than a year ago to make my way in sunny California, but I’m also deep in the middle of a community engagement project at work which entails having really long conversations with people about what their aspirations are for their community, so this seemed like a timely read for me both personally and professionally. My new town doesn’t have the same close knit vibe with lots of Midwestern pride that I’m so accustomed to, but I want to love it. The weather! The beach! My job! My apartment! I love them all and I want this to start to feel like home. (library hardcover) Tears We Cannot Stop: A Sermon to White America by Michael Eric Dyson: Every white person should read this book. It’s a call for white people to move through the stages of white grief and confront the plague of white innocence. (ARC, releasing April 4th, 2017 from St. Martin’s Press) What It Means When a Man Falls From the Sky: Stories by Lesley Nneka Arimah: I’m having trouble losing myself in fiction these days, but I’m trying to work my way back to it by reading short stories. These promise to be “evocative, playful, and subversiveâ€, which just might be what I need to escape to a fictional world. (ARC, releasing April 4th, 2017 from Riverhead Books) Ashlie Swicker Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race by Margot Lee Shetterly: This is my book club’s nonfiction pick for the month of February, and want to finish it before I see the movie! (ebook) My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows: I’ve been voraciously reading about the wives of Henry the VII since I was a teenager, and I’ve always found the details equally intriguing and infuriating, I’m looking forward to a lighter, sillier version of Lady Jane Grey’s story. (library hardcover) An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir: I have to be careful where and when I start listening to this, because the story is so engaging and the narration so captivating that I’m ignoring my family and doing some serious driveway sitting when returning home from errands. I’ve already lined up the second in the series in my Audible queue. (audiobook) Here We Are: Feminism for the Real World by Kelly Jensen: This book is perfect for browsing through at your own perfect pace, and I’ve been enjoying essays here and there since I picked this up earlier this month. I’m so excited to see feminism through the eyes of some of my favorite authors, and the inclusiveness means I’m being educated and empowered almost every time I read. I’m already brainstorming teens who need this book. (paperback) Rebecca Hussey Human Acts by Han Kang: I’m reading this for LibraryThing’s Early Reviewer program, but also because I’ve heard a lot of interesting things about this author and I’m trying to read more in translation. (paperback ARC) Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier: This is the latest pick for my mystery book group. I’ve just begun it, and it’s sooo atmospheric and fun so far. (hardcover) Sarah Nicolas Tell Me Three Things by Julie Buxbaum: Downloaded this in a fit of frustration because my other audiobook was having technical difficulties and I was about to drive an hour across town and back. I really like it though. It features a girl dealing with the death of her mother without being about that grief. (library audiobook) Shrill by Lindy West: This book came very recommended by the gals around the Book Riot (virtual) water cooler and is another brick on my road to reading more nonfiction in 2017. (library audiobook) A Tragic Kind of Wonderful by Eric Lindstrom: With a dayjob and a writing career, most of my “reading†consists of audiobooks, but after hearing about this book, I just had to read it. So this is a rare “actual book†read for me. (hardcover) Death by Black Hole and Other Cosmic Quandaries by Neil deGrasse Tyson: Around my office, he’s known as “Uncle Neil†because I talk about him so much. So this is an obvious choice for my more-nonfiction-in-2017 goal. (library audiobook) Elizabeth Allen Edgar and Lucy by Victor Lodato: The cover of this book originally intrigued me and then the writing completely drew me in. Eight-year old Edgar is delicate both emotionally and physically and is being raised by a negligent mother and an overbearing grandmother. The death of his beloved grandmother sets his life on a course that may forever change his reality. (paperback ARC) E.H. Kern The Ghosts of Cannae: Hannibal and the Darkest Hour of the Roman Republic by Robert L. O’Connell: I’m reading this book for work. So far it’s really interesting, but sometimes the conclusions take very long leaps which makes it difficult to take them seriously. Also, Connell writes history backwards so to speak in that he judges Carthage’s decisions based on what we know of the outcome of the Second Punic War, information that the Carthaginians obviously didn’t have. Still, it’s a good book if you’re interested in Rome vs. Carthage. (Hardcover) Kate Scott We Were the Lucky Ones by Georgia Hunter: A fellow book blogger who is a friend of the author hooked me up with a review copy. It follows the members of a Jewish family in World War II and is based on the real experiences of the author’s family. (ARC) The Lost City of the Monkey God by Douglas Preston: I love stories of archaeological derring-do (Indiana Jones and Lara Croft were huge for me as a kid), so this true story of an intrepid group of archaeologists, scientists, and filmmakers who discovered a lost civilization is right up my alley. So far I’m loving it. (Hardcover) Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are? By Frans de Waal: This was on my list of books I really wanted to read, but missed out on in 2016. I’m not thrilled with it so far. It’s drier than I expected. (Audiobook) Steph Auteri Shutterbabe by Deborah Copaken Kogan: I read an article Kogan wrote for the Nation on sexism within the publishing world and the battle she fought with publishers over her book’s title and cover design. I knew I needed to read more from her, both because her writing was fantastic and because her life as a photojournalist sounded fascinating. I’m really enjoying her memoir! (Paperback) Karina Glaser The Curious World of Calpurnia Tate by Jacqueline Kelly: Loved the first book (The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate), and the second one is just as charming! (Library Hardcover) The Sand Warrior (5 Worlds series) by Mark Siegel, Alexis Siegel, Xanthe Bouma, Matt Rockefeller, and Boya Sun (Random House, May 2, 2017): Received this ARC and was immediately interested in the cover and synopsis. (ARC) The Inexplicable Logic of My Life by Benjamin Alire Sáenz (HMH Clarion Books, March 7, 2017): So excited about this one!!!!!!!!! (ARC) A.J. O’Connell Dhalgren by Samuel R. Delany: This book has been on my must-read list forever. When I happened to be standing near it in a bookstore last month, I knew it was time to finally pick it up. (Paperback) Jan Rosenberg The Merman by Carl-Johan Vallgren: I’m only a few pages in, but I’m already getting a creepy fantastical Lord Of the Flies vibe. I heard about this from one of the ladies on the Book Riot podcasts (can’t remember who), so I picked it up from the library. (Hardcover) In A Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware: I’m listening to this on audio and the narrator Imogen Church is great at inhabiting all the characters. I love falling asleep to creepy thrillers. (Audiobook) Derek Attig The Vanderbeekers of 141st Street by Karina Yan Glaser: I’ve been waiting for this book for literally years, so of course I started reading it the moment I got my grubby little hands on it. So far, it’s utterly charming and just as adorable as I’d hoped. (Egalley) Plenty by Yotam Ottolenghi: Just go look at the cover of this book and tell me you don’t want to read (and then cook!) every single page. (Hardcover) The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers: I’m gearing up for the follow-up title, A Closed and Common Orbit (out this year in the U.S.) by rereading this, one of my absolute favorite reads of last year. (Ebook) Charles Paul Hoffman Jonathan Strange Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke: I previously read this when it first came out, but after recently watching the BBC series based on it on Netflix, I decided I needed to revisit Clarke’s world of frenemy magicians in Regency England. It is every bit as good as I remembered it, expertly borrowing just enough from 19th century novels to give it a period feel, while still feeling fresh and relevant in the 21st century. Oh, and those footnotes! (ebook) Cloak and Dagger: Shadows and Light by Bill Mantlo, Chris Claremont, Al Milgrom, Ed Hannigan, Rick Leonardi, Bill Sienkiewicz, et al: This new trade collection brings together for the first time all of the early adventures of teen runaways-turned-superheroes Cloak and Dagger. With a TV series coming next year on Freeform, I thought now was the perfect time to dive into the deep end. I better hurry, though; the next volume, Lost and Found, is out later this month.(trade paperback) Tracy Shapley One Sunday: A Novel by Carrie Gerlach Cecil: I’m reading this book because for some reason I’ve decided to spend my year only reading books I get in book subscriptions to track the diversity of said book subscriptions. This particular book, which I got in Blue Spider’s Attic, would be excellent if I was not only pro-life but like, really obnoxious and gross about being pro-life. I am not though, so it’s an awful book. Awful. (paperback) Piecing Me Together by Renee Watson: This I received in the Call Number February box. I’m only just getting into it but so far it has this lovely poetry-like rhythm and the words are beautiful. Based on what I know about the book, I expect this to be a rewarding and emotionally draining experience. (hardcover) Amanda Kay Oaks The Hour of the Land: A Personal Topography of America’s National Parks by Terry Tempest Williams: Reading this book for my Wildness in Literature course, but also very excited because it’s been on my TBR list since it came out! The title pretty much says it allthis book is a personal look at the National Park System. Personal essays + parks? Count me in. (hardcover) The Beautiful Struggle by Ta-Nehisi Coates: This one was assigned in my creative nonfiction workshop course, but it’s also another one that I’ve been wanting to read! The Beautiful Struggle explores Coates’ relationship with his father and the struggle of coming into manhood as a black boy in America. I’ve heard many good things about this one, so I’m eager to dive in. (paperback) Ardo Omer Rich People Problems by Kevin Kwan: This is probably my most anticipated read of the year and I’m extremely excited to devour it. (Egalley) Waking Lions by Ayelet Gundar-Goshen: I’m trying to read more translated works and this one was originally published in Hebrew. (ARC) How To Be Happy by Eleanor Davis: I’ve been meaning to read this comic for years and will finally get the chance. It was recommended by Zainab from Comics and Cola and she’s always had great taste in comics. (Hardcover) Katie McLain The Crow Girl by Erik Axl Sund: I picked up an ARC of this massive book last year, and it’s been sitting on my shelf ever since. I asked my boyfriend last week to pick a book for me to read, and he picked this one because he was intrigued by the blurb on the back, but wanted me to read it first and tell him how it is. This book is being compared to some of the darkest Scandinavian crime writers out there, and so far it’s living up to its reputation. It makes for compelling reading, but it’s not a book that’s easy to recommend to a lot of different readersyou’ll have to be pretty tough to stomach some of the topics described here. (Paperback ARC) Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach: I’ve read this book before, but after striking out on a couple of recent audiobook picks, I decided to go with something I knew I’d enjoy. Funny, fascinating, informative, and kinda gross if I ever meet Mary Roach in person, I’m taking her out for a beer so she can tell me stories! (Digital audiobook) Priya Sridhar The Singles Game by Lauren Weisberger: This novel isn’t The Devil Wears Prada or Chasing Harry Winston, and that is a good thing. Our main character, Charlotte Silver, is a tennis athlete my age who is seeking the position of number one, after an injury that could end her career. She hires Todd as her new coach, a jerk that demands nothing but her best, as well as an overhaul of her public image. It’s definitely a novel about the upper class in America, and about how to play a game on and off the court. Drop the Ball by Tiffany Dufu Glamour recommended this book for 2017 and quoted a passage about letting the laundry go. I knew I had to read it, since knowing how to balance work and home remains a priority. Tiffany talks about the mishaps that came with deciding to drop the ball and talk with her husband about what responsibilities to share. This book is insightful, humorous and up to date with our current atmosphere. Christina Vortia Friendly Fascism: The New Face of Power by Bertram Gross This book, originally published in 1980, is said to have predicted the current political climate we are in. I’m only at the beginning, but the book is startlingly prophetic in forecasting the totalitarian regime that comes with a smile and the stripping away of your freedoms and rights, and how it’s been a long time in the making. (ebook) American Street by Ibi Zoboi I received a copy of this book after shamelessly begging for it when I saw it on display at the ALA Midwinter Conference in January. It has been receiving starred reviews all over the internet, and so far it is not disappointing. (Hardcover) Salvage the Bones by Jesmyn Ward I have had this book on my TBR list for a long time, so when I saw the audiobook on my library Hoopla account I jumped on it! The writing is exquisite and crushing. All. At. The. Same. D*mn. Time. This is truly a stunning book. (Audiobook) The Heartbeats of Wing Jones by Katherine Webber I received this ARC on Netgalley. I was really excited to read this book, but I’m trying hard to hang in there until the end. (eGalley) Nicole Brinkley The Tigers Daughter by K. Arsenault Rivera: EdiTor Miriam Weinberg shoved a very very rough manuscript of this adult fantasy into my hands at a conference last year and Im only now just beginning to read it in part because the cover was revealed and its absolutely stunning. Luckily, the book is beautiful enough to match so far completely voice-y and lush. This is the story of an infamous Qorin warrior named Barsalayaa Shefali, a spoiled divine warrior empress named O-Shizuka, and a power that can reach through time and space to save a land from a truly insidious evil. (ARC) Tasha Brandstatter Pretty Face by Lucy Parker: As I mentioned in January’s Riot Round-Up, I loved Parker’s previous novel, Act It Like It, so I immediately requested this follow-up. (eARC) Jackaby by William Ritter: Sherlock Holmes meets Doctor Who? Um yes please. (audiobook) Jessica Woodbury Ill Will by Dan Chaon: the first crime novel to get me all giddy. Ritual satanic abuse and fake repressed memories, obsession and delusion, multiple narrators and jumps through time. Im full on heart eyes emoji. (audio galley) Amatka by Karin Tidbeck: a dystopian speculative novel that also his that bleak Scandinavian sweet spot. (egalley) Danika Ellis Difficult Women by Roxane Gay: I enjoyed Bad Feminist, but I haven’t read any of Roxane Gay’s fiction yet. I’m only a few pages in, but I’m excited and a little nervous to dive in. (Library Hardcover) A Pirate’s Heart by Catherine Friend: When I saw that a pirate lesbian romance novel was available as an audiobook through Hoopla, I couldn’t resist trying it. And there’s a librarian character to boot! So far there’s been some biphobia, but other than that, it’s been fun. (Hoopla Audiobook) Jessica Yang Jingo by Terry Pratchett: I had a sudden craving for Discworld books, so I went looking and found Jingo to reread. It has never been my favorite Pratchett book, but given the current political climate (hello, rampant bigotry!), Jingo in particular feels like a fitting read, given that its a satire on war and xenophobia. (paperback) Ashley Bowen-Murphy The Association of Small Bombs by Karan Mahajan: I’m only about a third of the way into this book and am already loving it. In fact, I like it so much I’m annoyed I didn’t finish it in time to list it as my favorite book of February. (hardback) Jaime Herndon One Day We’ll All Be Dead and None of This Will Matter by Scaachi Koul. I love essay collections, and this is smart and funny, and as a woman of color, she has important things to say. (ARC) A Little More Human by Fiona Maazel. Im reading this for an author interview, and its so well-written and imaginative. Im really liking it so far. (ARC) Narrow River, Wide Sky by Jenny Forrester. I love everything Graywolf Press puts out, but this memoir is gritty and brave, and Im savoring it. (ARC) Love is Love (various). This is a comic book anthology that benefits survivors of the Orlando Pulse shooting. Im only now getting into comics and graphic novels, and this one is so well-done and poignant. (Paperback). Katie Schenkel The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl: Squirrel Meets World by Shannon Hale and Dean Hale: This YA novel of one of my favorite superheroines is all about teen Doreen Green’s hero origin, and it makes for a perfect go-to read on my train commute. (Hardback) Yes, Roya by C. Spike Troutman and Emilee Denich: My Kickstarter copy finally came in the mail, and I’m excited to dive into this very not-safe-for-reading-on-the-train graphic novel about BDSM and polyamory. (Paperback) Eric Smith Fireworks by Katie Cotungo: I’m a sucker for a good YA contemporary novel that touches on music. I’ve definitely talked about authors like Ashley Poston, Charlotte Huang, and Nina LaCour on here, who have written some of my favorites YA-music-type-books. Well, let’s add Katie Cotungo to that list with Fireworks. I’m about halfway through this unbeleivable charming book about two teen girls caught up in the boy/girl band craze of the 90’s, and how they might just be the next big pop stars when they are plucked out of obscurity to be in a group. But it might just cost them their friendship, as surprise challenges surface. More YA books set in the 90’s, please. (ARC, Out in April w/ Balzer + Bray) Gina Nicoll Things We Lost in the Fire by Mariana Enriquez: This has been on my TBR since I heard about it on the All the Books podcast, and so far I’m loving these dark short stories. (Hardcover) Women Who Read Are Dangerous by Stefan Bollmann: I can’t remember where I first saw this, but you can’t keep me away from a book about books, especially with such a perfect title! (Hardcover) Robert Lowell, Setting the River on Fire: A Study of Genius, Mania, and Character by Kay Redfield Jamison: I loved Jamison’s memoir An Unquiet Mind, and she’s such a brilliant researcher and writer on bipolar disorder that I’ll read anything she writes. (Hardback) Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery: I wanted something happy, and the new audio version of this narrated by Rachel McAdams is a perfect fit. (Audiobook) Sophia Khan Shelter by Jung Yun: This novel showed up on a bunch of Best Of 2016 lists so I knew I had to bump it to the top of my TBR for 2017. Believe me, the people knew what they were talking about I cannot put this book down. (Hardback) Hour of Land: A Personal Topography of America’s National Parks by Terry Tempest Williams: This summer, I will be doing a tour of some of America’s National Parks for my honeymoon. After hearing Book Riot Executive Director Rebecca Shinsky’s endless praise of this book, I knew it was finally time. Williams’ description of the parks is both beautiful and real. It’s clear how much the National Park System means to her, and that passion is contagious. (Hardback) Tara Cheesman The Revolution of the Moon by Andrea Camilleri, translated by Stephen Sartarelli is a historical novel by the author of the Inspector Montalbano series. A bit of a departure from the procedural mysteries Camilleri is known for, this book is set in 17th century Sicily and about a real-life figure. Donna Eleanora, the late Spanish Viceroy’s wife, takes her husband’s place as the representative of King Charles the III. The plot is an old-fashioned battle of the sexes, pitting Eleanora against the corrupt officials who once served her husband. The writing is very mannered and reminds me of Dario Fo’s farcical The Pope’s Daughter (about Lucrezia Borgia) and the translator makes some choices that seem a bit odd (leaving parts of dialogue in untranslated Spanish) but overall I’m enjoying it. (ARC To be Released April, 2017) Christine Hoxmeier A Conjuring of Light by V. E. Schwab: I’m currently halfway through the last installment of Schwab’s Shades of Magic series and I’m not ready. I’m not ready for what is going to happen to my beloved magic babies, I’m not ready for what is happening with all the Londons, and I am not ready for this story to end. But I gotta hurry up and get there quick, so I can cry on Schwab’s shoulder at her Austin book signing. Stay safe, magic babes! (Audiobook) Super You by Emily V. Gordon: This was a gift from my brother who knows I am a nerd in need of some help. I honestly have no idea what to expect from this, but a funny and nerdy self-help book is exactly the kind of thing I need to read at the moment. (Paperback) Megan Cavitt Amberlough by Lara Elena Donnelly: I walked past this book on the library’s New Releases shelf three times and told myself I needed to resist because I have a different novel on hold and a stack of unread comics by my bed. Then I made the mistake of opening the front cover, and the epigraph is a pair of quotes from Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy and Cabaret. It’s like Donnelly knew I was out here, waiting for an alt-universe Weimar Germany full of lovers and spies. (Library Hardcover) The Cain Saga vol. 2 by Kaori Yuki: I started reading this series waaaaay back when it was first published in English, but I put off buying the next volumes because my budget is short and my TBR list is long. But I finally got the whole series on sale, so I can feast on the glorious early ‘90s melodrama of Kaori Yuki’s gothic mystery. (Paperback) Kay Taylor Rea Royal Bastards by Andrew Shvarts (June 6, Hyperion): I’ve been looking to read more YA this year, and this tale of bastards banding together for a fantasy adventure fits the bill. Looking forward to digging into this one. (e-galley) Rise: A Newsflesh Collection by Mira Grant: An excellent collection of short works from Grant’s Newsflesh universe. Won’t make much sense if you haven’t read any of the full length novels, but a treat if you’re looking to dig deeper into some wonderful zombie worldbuilding. (audiobook) Beth O’Brien Long Way Home by Katie McGarry: This is the third book in the Thunder Road series. I devoured the first two books and just had to get my hands on this one. It’s such an engrossing read! I’m loving the thrill and the romance! (Hardcover) Not Just Jane: Rediscovering Seven Amazing Women Writers Who Transformed British Literature by Shelley DeWees: I bought this one a few weeks ago and decided to dive into it the other day. It’s been a while since a read a book about books (or authors and their works). I must say, I’ve missed that and I didn’t even realize it! It’s really interesting being introduced to female authors that were influential but are rarely spoken of today. (Paperback) The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot: This came in on hold for me at the library the a few days ago. I’d forgotten I’d placed it on hold, so it was a pleasant surprise. I’d been meaning to read this one for a while, and now that it’s been released as a film by HBO I’m extra eager to finish it! (Audiobook) Nikki DeMarco Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert: I’m reading this at school right now (I’m a teacher) during in between snippets of time. It’s great for this because the chapters are short, and since it’s non-fiction, I don’t lose track of what’s happening in the story. I’ve underlined something inspirational on almost every page. It’s a great pick me up in the middle of a busy work day. (Paperback) The Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper by Phaedra Patrick: I’m listening to this for my book club this month and it’s such a delightful story. Right now work is stressful and Arthur Pepper’s adventures and old fashioned, positive outlook on life is a great distraction. It’s well narrated and the plot is moving along at a nice clip. I’m looking forward to finishing, but don’t feel the need to have to stop other obligations to know what happens next. (Audiobook
Sunday, June 28, 2020
The War in Ukraine
The War in Donbass The war in Ukraine is a military conflict launched by Russian troops that invaded Ukraine in April 2014 after the capture of the Crimea by Russia, a series of pro-Russian appearances in Ukraine, and the proclamation of "state sovereignty" of the DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic) and LPR (Luhansk People’s Republic). The fighting in the Donbas began on April 12, 2014, with the capture of Ukrainian cities Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, and Druzhkovka, where the Russian saboteurs seized the arms of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by arming the local collaborators and assimilated to their ranks. In the conditions of non-opposition of local power structures of Ukraine and even open cooperation, small assault squads of Russian saboteurs took control of Horlivka and other cities of Donetsk and Luhansk regions in the following days. On April 13, 2014, in response to the invasion of sabotage units, acting President of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov announced the beginning of the Anti-Terrorist Operation. Special Forces, subdivided into Slavyansk and Kramatorsk regions, took the first fight in the morning on April 13 in Semyonovka, Slaviansk suburbs, having fallen into the ambush of pro-Russian militants, which killed the captain of the SBU Alfa. The Course of the Donbass War After a series of large unsuccessful battles in early May 2014 under Slaviansk, where the Ukrainian forces lost 2 Mi-24 combat helicopters from the fire of Russian MANPADS, as well as several ambushes, the ATO leadership decided to gradually surround Slaviansk by cutting off the garrison of pro-Russian militants from the supply of weapons from Russia. On May 11, 2014, "pro-Russian" referenda were held on the territory of some districts of Donetsk and Luhansk, which raised the issue of supporting the state independence of the "sovereign" DPR and LPR proclaimed in April. According to the organizers of the "referenda," the issue was supported by voters, and according to independent witnesses, "referenda" had all signs of fictitiousness. On June 1, 2014, pro-Russian militants launched a several-day assault on the border guard in Luhansk, which ended on June 4 with the exit of the Ukrainian garrison from the border guard. On June 2, 2014, near the headquarters of pro-Russian militants stationed in the Luhansk Regional Administration, there was a series of explosions, which also killed civilians. On June 12 the delivery of heavy armored vehicles from Russia was begun: a column of tanks arrived and went through Luhansk, which was first used the next time in the war on the Donbass, June 13 Russian militants fired a Ukrainian checkpoint under Dobropillya. The War in Ukraine Today On June 20, 2014, the newly elected President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko announced the beginning of a ten-day unilateral ceasefire by promising an amnesty and exemption from prosecution for all who make weapons, creating joint units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to ensure public order, decentralization, coordination of heads of regional administrations with representatives of the Donbas, local and parliamentary elections. Pro-Russian militants did not approve of the proposed conditions and did not support the ceasefire. After ten days of a unilateral ceasefire, the Ukrainian forces completed the Slavic encirclement, forcing the group of Russian militants to retreat to Donetsk on July 5. ATO (Russia Ukraine war) headquarters began a large-scale operation to establish control over the Russian-Ukrainian border, creating, through the forces of several brigades, a 15-kilometer zone along the border controlled by the Armed Forces of Ukraine and territorial defense battalions. At the same time, the Ukrainian forces began a deal on the decommissioning of the Luhansk region. On July 11, 2014, against the background of the threat of full blocking of the border by the Ukrainian forces, Russian regular troops began participating in the war, inflicting a destructive rocket strike on Ukrainian territory under the Zelenopillya, a village several kilometers from the Russian-Ukrainian border. Since then, the entire line of Ukrainian formations near the border – from Luhansk region to the Azov Sea coast – during July-August 2014 was under systematic artillery shelling from the territory of Russia, to which Ukrainian formations did not meet. As of today, the war in the east of Ukraine continues. Our professional team of writers will provide customers with Premium Essay Help !
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Lightweight Strong Materials In A Composite Surfboard
The composite surfboard is a common place in the sport today. Ever since the introduction of fiberglass composites after World War II, the surfboard industry was truly one of the first to embrace composites. Prior to fiber reinforced composites, surfboards were manufactured out of wood and could weigh over 100 lbs. Today, a composite surfboard the same size (10 feet) might weigh less then 10 lbs. To shed this enormous amount of weight, surfboards took advantage of 3 key materials: Foam Core Polyurethane foam became the core material of choice for surfboards. It is lightweight, provides thickness, and provides buoyancy. The foam core of a composite surfboard is sandwiched between FRP skins and creates the stiffness and structure of the surfboard. Often, a stringer of wood is bonded in the center of the board to provide increased rigidity, much like an I-beam. The surfboard foam industry was dominated by the company Clark Foam up until 2005, at which time the owner decided to shut down with no prior warning. Today, the foam core for composite surfboards is primarily polyurethane foam. However, expanded polystyrene (EPS) is being used more often as the use of epoxy resins increases. Regardless of the foam used it almost always closed-cell, so that it does not absorb moisture. Resin Thermosetting resins have been key to the success of the composite surfboard. Even when boards were made of wood, resins and coatings were used to help prevent the boards soaking in water. As resin technology continues to improve, boards are able to become stronger and lighter weight. The most common resins used in composite surfboards are polyester resins. This is primarily because polyester resin is inexpensive. Additionally, resin manufacturers have perfected their polyester surfboard resins so that they are easy to work with and are crystal clear. It is important that the resins used are water-clear, because a surfboard is as much a work of art as it is a functional piece of equipment. As surfboards age, they turn yellow from the UV rays. Hence, UV resistance is an important factor to the resins used today. With the advancements in resin technology, it is no surprise composite surfboards are being manufactured with epoxy. Epoxy has no VOC emissions during the manufacturing process, and it has much higher strength, fatigue, and impact resistance properties. However, the only current downside to using epoxy is, these boards tend to turn yellow faster then polyester boards. Although, this may soon change with improved formulations. Fiberglass Fiberglass is the structural backbone to surfboards. The fiberglass reinforcement provides the structure and strength to the board. Most commonly, lightweight woven fiberglass cloth is used as the reinforcement. Usually, it is between 4 and 8 ounce fabric. (Ounces per square yard). Often more then one layer is used. Currently, the weaves used are evenly balanced with equal amounts of fiberglass running from nose to tail, and rail to rail. However, engineers are designing boards with different amounts of fiber running in different directions. This provides the strength and the rigidity where required, without adding much additional weight. Future Of The Composite Surfboard Surfers are known for being progressive, and with this comes experimentation with different shapes and materials. Boards today are embracing composite technology and new materials. The composite surfboards of the future are incorporating fibers such as Kevlar, carbon fiber, and Innegra. The various properties of the many composite reinforcements available can allow the surfer or engineer, to tweak the properties to help create the dream board. It also makes a surfboard extremely cool looking to have unique materials and construction. The various properties of the many composite reinforcements available can allow the surfer or engineer, to tweak the properties to help create the ultimate surfboard. It also makes a surfboard extremely cool looking to have unique materials and construction. Not only are the materials being used changing, but the method of manufacturing is evolving as well. CNC machines are commonly being used to precisely machine out the foam core. This creates boards that are almost perfectly symmetrical and exact. At first, the fear of mass production brought concerns of removing the soul from the sport. Meaning, the traditional method of hand shaping boards is being reduced to the job of a computer. However, the opposite seems to be true. Custom boards, which are truly works of art, seem to be as popular as ever. And with composites, creativity in methods and materials to laminate boards seems to give an endless opportunity to customize and personalize boards. The future of the composite surfboard is bright. In the 1950s the use of fiberglass was revolutionary. The new pioneers will continue to push the envelope and will embrace the next generation of composite materials and processing techniques.
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